
Pet Nutrition

Pet nutrition is repeatedly one of the first concerns of every pet owner.

According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 53% of adult dogs and 55% of adult cats in the US are obese or overweight. 22% of dog owners and 15% of cat owners thought their pet’s weight was normal when they were actually overweight!

Giving your pet a well-balanced diet can help him/her live a longer, healthier life. We will take the time to discuss proper pet nutrition and dialogue the pros and cons of ingredients, caloric amounts and the safety of the food you feed to your pet.

Candidly in the past veterinarians have not “gone there” West Towne Veterinary Center is no ordinary clinic in terms of pet nutrition, knowledge, and expertise. This is extremely important for your pets vitality and longevity! Food ingredients, food safety and the management of your pet’s weight will be discussed at every visit.

Pet nutrition has been an important part of Dr. Lambrecht’s career and he attends lectures all across the country since nutrition is constantly changing. He has given dozens of lectures across Wisconsin and presented “Tools, Dialogues, and Strategies of an Effective Weight Loss Program” before an international audience of nutrition experts in March 2015. Many of the strategies are WTVC’s own and we are glad to share them to help your pet achieve and maintain ideal weight!

Pets Reducing For Rescues


2018 PRFR Prizes


Pet Food Label Checklist


Evidence-Based Supplements